Life as we know it has changed. We are living the blur...
To fill you in, our girls did come home on Thursday, October 20th! We took them the next day to the pediatrician to find out they weighed 4.6 and 4.7lbs. A week later, we took them for another weight check and found out they weighed 4.10 and 4.14lbs!
Naomi and Isabella are six weeks old now. Right now, our life is focused on doing everything possible so that these girls continue to thrive and stay healthy. This will be a different season than what we are used to including a lot of sleepless nights, tiredness, mostly staying at home, but that being said we feel very blessed. Our nights and days consist of three hour increments (4 if we are lucky) where the girls sleep 2 hours or so and then are awake and eating and getting clean diapers the other part of the hour. They still sleep a lot which is normal for baby's born so early (remember they weren't due until November 17th), but over the last week we've noticed that they've become more alert and awake to the world around them. Josiah is settling in well to the role of big brother. He has been gentle and kind to the girls and if you know how much he likes to sing and dance you won't be surprised to know that he loves entertaining the girls. They aren't quite into it yet since they are kinda oblivious to the world around them in general, but we know they will love it as they get older =)
It's hard to believe that just three years ago this time we were
preparing for Josiah's arrival and now we are a crazy family of 5! We
really couldn't do it without all the prayers and support of our family
and friends. Thank you for all the emails, meals, help with Josiah and
everything else whether big or small that has helped us survive the last
few months. I know we still haven't seen many of you in a while and
lots of people still haven't met Naomi and Isabella in person yet, but
we know that will happen over the coming months. Thanks for your
patience with us. Here are some more pictures of the girls with names.
Isabella on the left, Naomi on the right. Right after they first came home. |
Naomi Hope |
Isabella Grace |
Isabella on the left, Naomi on the right. Snuggling on their pillow. |